About Us
ASAP - now part of HAD (Harrow Association Of Disabled People), began with a group of carers in 2007, who came together to campaign for Autism Awareness and improved response from Health and Social Care towards adults with Autism, particularly the more able, referred to as having Asperger Syndrome, who were 85% unemployed and isolated and ineligible for support in the community; this often resulted in long term dependence on parents.
Our service model is to respond to needs and interests, with an emphasis on individual abilities and positive can-do measures rather than dependence on support.
Our support is mainly delivered through regular social group meetings in which adults with AS can meet others and learn social skills in a safe and managed environment. The contact with others promotes progress in itself, by ending social isolation and exclusion, and also provides a setting for the delivery of projects designed to benefit the members.
Our projects have included Healthy Eating and Meal Preparation, Relationships, Vocational Skills, Current Affairs Discussion. We have had ongoing input from a qualified and experienced counsellor and psycho-therapist for AS, who provides group interaction social awareness sessions, and group therapy